Dear Friends,
It has been estimated that of the over 70 million Deaf only 2-4% are Christian. Indeed, the world’s Deaf population has been disadvantaged when it comes to “hearing” the gospel message. Millions of dollars are spent on reaching those who can hear but much more needs to be done for those who cannot. Hope Channel – Deaf has been launched to help meet this need at least in part. It is now being broadcast via the Internet which enables it to reach into some of the most remote areas of the world.
Hope Channel – Deaf is beginning with English signing and closed captioning but will soon include the same in Spanish, Portuguese, French and German. Program categories include: Nature, Bible study, Health and Children/Youth. Start-up costs have been significant yet the requests to include other languages continue to be received. Your financial assistance is needed and greatly appreciated! Your contributions will not only assist in maintaining this ministry but also will help in expanding this critical service.
You may send your gifts to:
Hope Channel Deaf
c/o of Larry R Evans
Assistant to the President, General Conference of SDA
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 USA
You may also write to me at:
-- Larry R Evans, D.Min.
Assistant to the President for Adventist Possibility Ministries
[Deaf, Blind, Orphans, those with Physical & Mental Disabilities, those Bereaving a Spouse and Caregivers]
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists